If you are on this page, it is because you heard Antonio Holman and me on the The 4 Principles of Success podcast.
I hope you had as much fun listening to us, as I did talking with Antonio. He is an absolutely awesome guy, sharing ideas and wisdom that can help us all.
Teaching professionals how to build secondary income streams with vending is a big focus of mine, as I have seen the power of vending work for my family and me. It has allowed me to transition from the stress and lack of control of the corporate world; to being my own boss with freedom I never imagined having.
I have compiled a short pamphlet called, Live Your Dreams: Top 10 Reasons Why You Need To Start A Vending Business that I would love to share with you. My hope is that this publication will get you to consider vending as a secondary income stream and potentially get you started down that path. If you have more questions after reading this, I would love the opportunity to begin a dialogue with you to help you determine what kind of vending is best for you. I have found that in the vending business, knowledge is the key, especially when discussing equipment suppliers, etc.
Let’s start by getting connected. Please add your name, email address, city and state in the form to the right and you will be sent the link to download your copy of Live Your Dreams: Top 10 Reasons Why You Need To Start A Vending Business
You can live your dreams, too!